Command DetailsΒΆ

Jacquard is a suite of tools that can be either run in succession or individually; the typical workflow is to run:

Translate and summarize commands are useful only for supported callers; merge and expand work for any VCFs. Each of these commands is described in detail in the following pages.

General usage


For help on a specific command:

$ jacquard <SUBCOMMAND> --help
  • Jacquard first writes output files to a temporary directory and only copies the files upon successful completion of each subcommand.
  • Error, warning, and info messages are written to console and log file. Debug messages are only written to the log file (unless –verbose specified).

Input File Conventions

  • Jacquard assumes that the first element of the filename (up to the first dot) is a patient identifier. For example:
  • patientA-113.mutect.vcf
  • patientA-113.strelka.snv.vcf
  • patientA-113.strelka.indel.vcf
This set of three files all have the same patient identifier (patientA-113). The tumor-normal sample pairs will be combined into a single pair of tumor-normals columns in the merged VCF. See merge for more details.
  • To translate a specific VCF dialect, Jacquard determines the source variant caller based on the VCF metaheaders. For this reason it is essential that you preserve all metaheaders in the source VCF.
  • For a specific source VCF, Jacquard automatically determines the tumor and normal samples based on the column header and the metaheaders.