
The merge command integrates a directory of VCFs into a single VCF. It is caller-agnostic and can be used on any set of VCF files.


$ jacquard merge <input_dir> <output_file>

positional arguments:

Directory containing input VCF files to be merged
An integrated VCF file

optional arguments:

Comma-separated user-defined list of regular
expressions for format tags to be included in
output; (defaults to ‘JQ_.*’)
all: Include all variants
valid: Only include valid variants
passed: Only include variants which passed their
respective filter
somatic: Only include somatic variants
all: Include all variants at loci
at_least_one_passed: Include all variants at loci
where at least one variant passed
all_passed: Include all variants at loci where
all variants passed
at_least_one_somatic: Include all variants at
loci where at least one variant was high-
confidence somatic
all_somatic: Include all variants at loci where
all variants were high-confidence somatic
Equivalent to:
Useful when merging untranslated VCFs.


Conceptually, merge has four basic steps, each described in detail below.

  1. Integrate matching loci from different VCFs into common rows
  2. Combine matching samples from different VCFs into common columns
  3. Filter tag values and rows
  4. Assemble the subset of FORMAT tags to be included in the final VCF

Integrate matching loci

Merge first develops the superset of all loci (CHROM, POS, REF, and ALT) across the set of all input VCFs. For each locus, the input VCF FORMAT tags and values are merged into a single row. Input variant record-level fields (such as FILTER, INFO, etc.) are ignored.


Matching loci : Variant records from separate files that share the same CHROM, POS, REF, ALT are merged into a single variant record.

Combine matching samples

In the input directory, an individual sample could be called by more than one variant caller. When merging, Jacquard combines results from the same sample into a single column. Merged sample names are constructed by concatenating the filename prefix and the VCF column header.

Filename VCF Column header Merged sample names
case_A.strelka.vcf #CHROM ... FORMAT SAMPLE1 SAMPLE2
case_A.mutect.vcf #CHROM ... FORMAT SAMPLE1 SAMPLE2
case_B.strelka.vcf #CHROM ... FORMAT SAMPLE3 SAMPLE4
case_B.mutect.vcf #CHROM ... FORMAT SAMPLE3 SAMPLE4

Given the input VCFs above, the resulting merged VCF will have four sample columns:

  • case_A | SAMPLE1
  • case_A | SAMPLE2
  • case_B | SAMPLE3
  • case_B | SAMPLE4

Combine matching samples : Case-specific information reported in different files is combined into a single case|sample column.

Filter cell values and rows

Variant records are filtered to highlight the high-confidence somatic variants.

For VCFs from supported callers, merge filters the result to include only valid variants records where at least one variant at that loci was somatic. The filter stringency can be set with flags described above. Since these filters operate on Jacquard tags, merge cannot filter VCFs from unsupported callers; use –include_all for untranslated VCF files.


Filter cell values and rows : (A) Beginning with the matrix of all variant records, (B) the include_cells flag transforms excluded cells (sample-records) from their original value to ”.” (not-observed). (C) Finally, the include_row flag excludes entire loci.

Assemble the subset of FORMAT tags

Merge builds a new set of INFO tags and returns a subset of incoming FORMAT tags. By default, Jacquard only carries forward tags that begin with ‘JQ’, i.e. Jacquard-translated tags. When working with VCFs from unsupported callers, use –include_format_tags or –include_all to merge unstranslated VCFs.

Note that while most variant callers have their own distinct set of FORMAT tags, some tag names are common across multiple callers. If there are any FORMAT tag name collisions, merge will add a prefix (e.g. JQ1_<original_tag>) in order to disambiguate the FORMAT tags.